Labor & Birth
In our experience, labor unfolds best when interventions are kept to a minimum. Our role as midwives is to follow your lead and to facilitate this process with guidance, assurance and support while responding to each mom’s individual needs. We believe that mothers deliver their babies and our role is to assist you in this powerful process.
During Labor and Birth we provide:
On-call and available for your home birth from 37 to 42 weeks of pregnancy
Birth Team consisting of 2 Licensed Midwives
Phone support through early labor
Midwife support in your home from active labor through several hours after the birth
Regular monitoring of mom and baby’s wellbeing throughout labor to ensure safety
Support for involvement of fathers, partners, family, friends or doulas
Encouragement to eat and drink throughout labor
Freedom of movement throughout labor
Birth tubs provided for labor and water birth
Creating a calm environment for moms to feel comfortable and safe during labor
Facilitation of the normal birth process and recognition when issues arise outside of normal
Relationships with local hospitals and OB/GYNs
In the event of transport to the hospital, continued midwife support
Ensuring Safety
Careful prenatal screening and health education
Holistic and preventative care during pregnancy
Regular monitoring of mom’s vital signs and baby’s heart beat
Emergency equipment brought to each birth including medications including IV fluids, anti-hemorrhagic medications, oxygen and resuscitation equipment
Excellent relationship with local hospital and access to emergency transport when needed
Continuous care and support in the event of a hospital transport
Mother and Baby Care After the Birth
Immediate skin to skin contact and uninterrupted bonding after birth
Delayed cord clamping
Support with early breastfeeding
Family bonding before routine care for mom and baby
Complete newborn physical exam done by your side
Stitches for mom if necessary (with local anesthesia)
Postpartum education and informational handouts for the new family
photo: Carson Meyer Doula